



抑々(そもそも)、人間は先天的に種々なる毒素を保有してゐる事は、医学でも認めてゐる。例へば天然痘、痲疹、百日咳等は元より未知の毒素も色々あるであらう。処でそれら毒素は自然生理作用が発生し、外部へ排泄されやうとする、これを吾等の方では浄化作用と言ふ。そうして毒素は、最初一旦人体の各局部に集溜する。其(そ)の場合神経を使ふ処程多く集まる、人間が最も神経を使ふ処は、言ふまでもなく、上半身特に頭脳に近い程そうである。人間が目が醒(さ)めてゐる間手足は休む事はあっても、頭脳を始め、目、 耳、鼻、口等は一瞬の休みもない。としたら毒素集溜の場合もそうであって、肩、 頸くび、淋巴腺、延髄、耳下腺附近は固(もと)より、頭脳が主となってゐる。此(こ)の様に各部に集溜した毒素は、時日を経るに従って、漸次(ぜんじ)固結する。それが或ある限度に達するや、排除作用が発生する。ここに自然の恩恵を見るのである。何となれば固結の為ため、血行が悪くなり、肩や 頸(くび)が凝り、頭痛、頭重、視力減退、耳の鈍聴、鼻詰まり、嗅覚の鈍化、歯槽膿漏、歯牙の劣弱、息切れ、手足の弛緩、腰痛、浮腫等々により、活動力が減殺されるからで、それが為(た)め人間本来の使命が行はれない事になる。それで造物主は病気といふ結構な、浄化作用を作られたのである。

右の如く、毒素排除作用の苦痛が病気であるとしたら、病気こそ浄血作用であり、 健康上最も必要なもので、神の恩恵中最大なものといふべきである。故に若(も)し人類から、病気を取除いたとしたら、人間は漸次ぜんじ弱って、遂には滅亡に到るかも知れないのである。処が私は、病なき世界を造るといふのであるから矛盾するやうに思うであらうが、これは根本的に異ってゐる。といふのは人間が無毒になれば、浄化作用の必要がなくなるから、共に病気もなくなるのは判り切った話である。此この意味に於て私は、 之から出来るだけ解り易く徹底的に説いてみよう。


右の如く、液毒は迅速に肺臓内に侵入し、稀薄な場合は痰(たん)となって即時排泄されるが、濃度の場合は一時停滞し、咳といふポンプ作用を待って、間もなく気管を通じて外部へ排泄される。咳の後には必ず痰(たん)が出るにみても明かであり、嚏(くさめ)の後に鼻汁が出るのも同様の理である。又頭痛、咽喉(のど)の痛み、中耳炎、淋巴腺炎、手足の関節や、鼠蹊腺(そけいせん)等の痛みは何いずれも其その部にあった毒結が溶解し、出口を求めやうとして動き始める。それが神経を刺戟(しげき)するからである。そうして液毒には濃い薄いが出来る。濃いのは喀痰(かくたん)、鼻汁、下痢等になるが、極(ご)く薄いのは水様(みずよう)となり、盗汗(ねあせ)や尿によって排泄される。此(こ)の様に浄化作用なるものは、最も自然に合理的に行はれるもので、造物主の神技に感嘆せざるを得ないのである。一体造物主即ち神は、人間を造っておきながら、 病気などといふ人間を苦しめ、活動を阻害するやうなものを与へられる筈(はず)はなく、常に健康であらねばならないのに拘はらず、人間が誤った考へで毒素を作り、貯溜させるので、止むなく排除の必要が発おこる。それが病気であるとすれば、寒冒の場合も何等の療法もせず、自然に放任しておけば完全に浄化が行はれるから順調に治り、健康は増すのである。此(こ)の理によって人間は出来るだけ風邪を引くやうにすべきで、そうすれば結核などといふ忌いまわしい病は跡を絶つのである。

処がどうした事か、何時いつの頃からか不思議にも、右の清浄作用を逆解して了しまった、 そこで発病するや極力浄化を停めやうとする。何しろ浄化の苦痛を悪化の苦痛と間違へたのだから堪らない。其その為ため熱を恐れて下げやうとする。解熱すれば毒結の溶解が停止されるから咳嗽せきを初め凡あらゆる症状が軽減する。恰度ちょうど病気が治るやうに見えるのである。判り易く言えば、折角溶け始めた毒結を元通り固(かた)めやうとする。其その固(かた)め方法が医療なのである。氷冷、湿布、薬剤、注射等すべてはそれであって、全部固(かた)まると同時 に症状が消失するので、之で治ったと思って喜ぶが、何ぞ知らん、実は折角掃除をしやうとする其(そ)の手を抑おさへつけるやうなもので、之は事実が証明してゐる。よく風邪が拗(こじ)れるといふが、之は人体の方は浄化しようとするとそれを止めやうとする為ため、つまり浄化と非浄化との摩擦となるから長引くのである。一旦風邪が治っても、暫(しばら)くすると必ず再発するのを見ても分るであらう。故に結果から言えば、医療とは病気を治す方法ではなく、治さないで延期させる方法といふ事である。従而(したがって)本当に治るといふ事は、毒素を外部へ排泄させ、体内が清浄となって、病気の原因が皆無となる事である。だから真の医術とは浄化が発(おこ)った際、固結毒素をより速く溶解させ、より多く体外へ排泄させる事で、それ以外真の療法はないのである。


What is Disease? : Common Cold

“Creation of Civilization” written by Mokichi Okada in 1952

I will explain diseases in further detail now. In modern medicine, the human body is interpreted as a mere substance and therefore, materialistic treatment has been developed. I will explain what the greatest fault is with medicine step by step. First, I take up actual diseases to explain. I think that is the easiest way to understand.

Let’s start with a cold since every human being is sure to undergo it. As a matter of fact, the cause of a cold is still unknown in medicine. It is said that little progress is made to figure it out in recent years; it is considered to be an airborne infectious disease with a virus or allergic disease. From our point of view, however, they are inadequate and out of question. There is no doubt that they will be meaningless in the near future.

Human beings originally have many kinds of innate toxins. This fact is also admitted in medicine. There would be various unknown toxins as well as smallpox, measles, whooping cough and so on. By the way, natural physiological action, which we call ‘purification action,’ occurs on those toxins to be excreted from the body. They once accumulate in each part of the body. In that case, they tend to accumulate more where the nervous system works actively. Needless to say, it works frequently in the upper part of the body, especially in the areas closer to the brain. We can rest our hands and feet while we are awake but cannot rest the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, as well as the brain. They work without stopping. If so, the same applies to the toxins. They accumulate mainly in the brain as well as around the shoulders, the neck, the lymphatic glands, the oblongata and the parotid gland. Those accumulated toxins gradually solidify as time passes. When the amount of the solidified toxins reach a certain limit, elimination action occurs. You will learn that is the blessing of nature. Because of the solidified toxins, people have poor blood circulation, stiff shoulders and neck, headache, heaviness in the head, loss of eyesight, bad hearing, sniffles, hyposmia, pyorrhoea, weakening of teeth, shortness of breath, loosening of hands and feet, back problems, oedemas and so on. All those symptoms reduce human energy. Therefore, people cannot fulfil their own duty. For that reason, the Creator has created wonderful purification action called disease.

If the disease is the suffering derived from the elimination action of toxins as mentioned above, it is the action to purify the blood. It is the most necessary condition for human beings to maintain good health. We can say that it is the greatest gift from God. Therefore, if diseases are removed from human beings, they may gradually get weak and finally perish. Despite that, I advocate the creation of a world without disease. You might think it contradicts what I previously mentioned. However, that is fundamentally different. If human beings have no toxins in the body, purification action will be no longer needed. Consequently, the diseases will disappear. That is obvious. From this point of view, I will explain what disease is as clearly and thoroughly as possible.

Let us go back to the subject. I call the elimination action of solidified toxins ‘purification action.’ When a person catches a cold, they run a fever first. That is the law of nature. The toxin melts into a liquid with heat to be easily eliminated from the body. The liquefied toxins promptly enter the lung. This action is really mysterious. For instance, if solidified toxins are melted by Johrei (the name of our treatment), they immediately enter the lung. They even pass through muscles and bones in this process. If toxins solidify in only a few parts of the body, a person usually has mild symptoms. However, the symptoms get worse as the number of parts where toxins solidify increases. Therefore, a cold gradually worsens even though it was initially mild.

As I mentioned above, the liquefied toxins promptly enter the lung. They are immediately eliminated from the body as phlegm if they are thin. If they are thick, they stay for a while until a pump action called coughing occurs. Then they are discharged from the body through the windpipe. It is proved by the fact that phlegm always follows a cough. For the same reason, nasal discharge follows a sneeze. People have headaches, sore throat, otitis media or lymphadenitis pain, joint pain in limbs, groin pain or so. It is because toxins that accumulate in those parts melt and start to move to seek the way out, which stimulates the nerves. I said that the liquefied toxins become thin or thick. Thick ones are eliminated as sputum, nasal discharge and diarrhoea. If toxins are very thin, they become watery substances and are eliminated as sweat or urine. In this way, purification action carries out most naturally and reasonably. We cannot help but marvel at Creator’s divine art. Since the Creator or God has created human beings, He cannot give us something called disease that makes us suffer and interferes with our activity. Humans must always be healthy. Nevertheless, they create toxins with the wrong idea and store them in their bodies. That’s why it is unavoidable to eliminate them. If the disease occurs to eliminate toxins, people catch a cold for the same reason. Therefore, they will steadily recover and become much healthier as long as it is left as it is without any treatment. It is because purification action completely carries out. In this sense, we should catch a cold as much as possible. Then a detestable disease called tuberculosis will leave no trace.

In spite of that, I wonder why human beings interpreted this purification action the other way around somewhere down the line. They accordingly try to stop this action as much as possible when they become ill. Because of the purification action, people feel pain. Nevertheless, they have misunderstood that they feel pain because their illness gets worse. That is unbearable. They fear fever and try to bring it down. When a fever goes down, toxins stop melting. As a result, all sorts of symptoms including coughing get milder. It looks as if the disease is healed. To put it simply, they try to harden toxins as before even though they did start melting. Medical treatment is the very way to solidify the toxins. Cooling with ice, putting a compress, taking medicine and giving injections are all the same. They solidify the toxins. Those symptoms disappear as soon as the toxins harden. Therefore, people are relieved that the disease seems to be healed. However, the truth is that it is just like holding someone’s hands while they are about to clean up. It is proved by the following fact; people often say that a cold grows worse. It happens because they try to stop the purification action even though it is trying to occur on the human body. In other words, friction occurs between the purification action and anti-purification actions, which prolongs illness. You know that a cold will always recur after a while even if it is cured. To come to the point, medical treatment is not the way to cure the disease. It is the way to prolong it without curing it. In this sense, the cause of disease ceases to exist when the inside of the body becomes clean by removing toxins from the body. That is a true cure. Therefore, true medical art is to melt the solidified toxins as soon as possible and eliminate them from the body as much as possible when the purification occurs. There’s no other true therapy than that. Let me explain this with an example. Suppose someone is in debt. The debt gradually piles up with interest and the creditor demands them to pay as it comes due. However, it is hard to pay all at once. Therefore, they borrow the money for the interest from somewhere else to tide over a temporary difficulty. Then, the payment due date comes again and the debtor borrows the money again for interest. If they repeat it over and over again, the interest increases in addition to the principal. The creditor also pushes them harder to pay but they become increasingly unable to repay. The creditor won’t be satisfied and demand a seizure of their property or bankruptcy. After all, they cannot pay back and go bankrupt. This story applies to a cold. If debts were paid when the first payment due date comes even though it was hard, it would be all done. Despite increasing debt, however, the debtor borrows more money for a temporary reprieve just because it is hard to pay all back at once. This is exactly what medical treatment does. In most medical treatments, medicine is used. In other words, people have more toxic medicine in their bodies every time they defer their ‘payment.’ Finally, they are charged at once. This condition is comparable to pneumonia. However, a creditor possibly charges the debtor slowly in consideration of their payment ability. This should be comparable to tuberculosis.

Translated by N.H