








The Real Nature of the World of Miroku

Creation of Civilization, written by Mokichi Okada in 1955

Let me explain the world of Miroku from an international perspective. National borders remain but virtually become almost abolished situation. In other words, neighbour nations have equal power. Therefore, no invasion is carried out, or rather there is no need for invasion. Let me describe the invasion a little. There were two types of invasions until now; unavoidable and unnecessary one. I explain the former case first. When a population increases in a certain country with a small land, overpopulation must be solved. People in the country must be accepted in other countries. If they are not willing to do so, however, the country forces them to do so no matter what. There is consequently no choice but to resort to war. However, such a case never happens when the world of Miroku is realised. It is because there are many countries whose land is a vast plain with a thin population. Therefore, overpopulation is easily solved even if overpopulated countries like Japan exist. By that time, so-called the world congress is organised and an answer was given after careful consideration no matter what kind of issue is discussed. Unlike the members today, those of congress never think in terms of their countries or their own interests, it is sure that all bills are correct and smoothly passed. Therefore, tens of thousands of people in the overpopulated countries are fairly divided into other countries in a year. They can’t have fights with each other. The world congress is like that when the world of Miroku has come. Even if that is the case, each nation still has its national assembly. Unlike the members today, they are modest and respectable. They put aside their desire and try to solve everything from a global perspective while having a love for humanity. Therefore, the atmosphere in the congress hall doesn’t resound with the argument for and against, which is completely different from that of today. Everything is just explained and immediately and harmoniously decided. It would consequently take less than one-tenth of the time required today. Therefore, the congress is held about once in three months and the session would be finished in half a day for three days.

It is because most of the laws are no longer needed, or few laws exist. Needless to say, the law is not necessary for good people. The only bad people need them. If there were no bad people, the law would be not needed. When you keep such a situation in mind and then look at today’s congress hall, to be frank, it would be the place where people of cultural savage gather.

Then I describe the world congress from a different perspective. These days, the establishment of the world state is advocated in the U.S.A. That is what I describe. It suggests that the world of Miroku is approaching. You just think that the world congress is like the globally spread congress of today. The leader of the world congress is like today’s president, or the president of all the nations is selected. The term of the president is three years and they are, of course, chosen by the selection committee members, who are chosen in proportion to the population of each country all over the world. They are called the world congress members.

As for the latter case of invasion, I don’t think I need to describe it. By that time, all countries have no longer armed and war consequently becomes impossible. Besides, the problem of overpopulation is rationally and peacefully solved as I explained.

Translated by N.H.