そもそもこの世界を天国化するについては、一つの根本条件がある。それは何かというと、現在大部分の人類が心中深く蔵(かく)されている悪の追放である。それについて不可解な事には、一般人の常識からいっても悪を不可とし、悪に触れる事を避けるのはもちろん、倫理、道徳等を作って悪を戒め、教育もこれ を主眼としており、宗教においても善を勧め、悪を排斥している。その他社会いずれの方面を見ても、親が子を、夫は妻を、妻は夫を、主人は部下の悪を咎(とが)め戒めている。法律もまた刑罰をもって悪を犯さぬようにしている等、これ程の努力を払っているにかかわらず、事実世界は善人より悪人の方が多く、厳密に言えば十人中九人までが、大なり小なりの悪人で、善人は一人あるかなしかというのが現実であろう。
しかしながら単に悪人といっても、それには大中小様々な種類がある。例えば一は心からの悪、すなわち意識的に行う悪、二は知らず識らず無意識に行う悪、 三は無智ゆえの悪、四は悪を善と信じて行う悪等である。これらについて簡単に説明してみるとこうであろう。一は論外で説明の要はないが、二は一番多い一般的のものであり、三は民族的には野蛮人、個人的には白痴、狂人、児童等であるから問題とはならないが、四に至っては悪を善と信じて行う以上正々堂々としてしかも熱烈であるから、その害毒も大きい訳である。これについては最後に詳しくかく事として、次に善から見た悪の世界観をかいてみよう。
前記のごとく現在の世界を大観すると、全く悪の世界といってもいい程で、何よりも昔から善人が悪人に苦しめられる例は幾らでも聞くが、悪人が善人に苦しめられる話は聞いた事がない。このように悪人には味方が多く、善人には味方が少ないので、悪人は法網を潜り、堂々世の中を横行濶歩するに反し、善人は小さくなって戦々兢々としているのが社会の姿である。このように弱者である善人は、強者である悪人から常に虐げられ、苦しめられるので、この不合理に反抗して生まれたのが彼の民主主義であるから、これも自然発生のものである。ところが日本においては長い間の封建思想のため、弱肉強食社会が続いて来たのであるが、幸いにも外国の力を借りて、今日のごとく民主主義となったので、自然発生と言うよりも、自然の結果といった方がよかろう。というようにこの一事だけ は、珍らしくも悪に対して善が勝利を得た例である。しかし外国と異って日本は今のところ生温い民主主義で、まだまだ色々な面に封建の滓(かす)が残っていると見るのは私ばかりではあるまい。
ここで悪と文化の関係について書いてみるが、そもそも文化なるものの発生原理はどこにあったかというと、根本は善悪の闘争である。それは古(いにし)え の野蛮未開時代からの歴史を見れば分る通り、最初強者が弱者を苦しめ、自由を奪い、掠奪殺人等ほしいままに振舞う結果、弱者にあってはそれを防止せんとして種々の防禦法を考えた。武器は固より垣を作り、備えをし、交通を便にする等、集団的にも個人的にも、あらゆる工夫を凝らしたのであって、この事がいかに文化を進めるに役立ったかは言うまでもない。それから漸次進んで人智は発達し、文字のごときものも生まれ、集団的契約を結ぶようになった。が、今日の国際条約の嚆矢(こうし)であろう。なお社会的には悪を制圧するに法や罰則を作り、これが条文化したものが今日の法律であろう。ところが現実はそんな生易しい事では、人間から悪を除く事は到底出来なかった。むしろ人智の進むにつれて悪の手段が益々巧妙になるばかりである。というように人類は原始時代から悪の横行とそれを防止する善との闘争は絶える事なく今日に至ったのである。しかしそれによっていかに人智が進み文化が発達したかは知る通りであってそのための犠牲もまた少なくなかったのはまた止むを得ないというべく、とにかく現在までは善悪闘争時代が続いて来たのである。ところがそれら善人の悩みを幾分でも緩和すべく、時々現れたのが彼の宗教的偉人で、その教えの建前としては物欲を制限し、諦観思想を本位とし、従順を諭(おし)えると共に、将来に希望をもたせるべく地上天国、ミロクの世等の理想世界実現を予言したのである。また一方悪に対しては極力因果の理を説き、速かに悔い改めるべく戒めたのはもちろんで、それがため幾多の苦難に遭い、血の滲むような暴圧に堪えつつ教えを弘通(ぐつう)した事蹟は、涙なくしては読まれないものがある。なるほどこれによって相当の効果は挙げたが、しかし大勢はどうする事も出来なかった。また反対側である無神主義者の方でも学問を作り、唯物的方法をもって悪による災害を防ごうとして努力した。その結果科学は益々進歩し、文化は予期以上の成果を挙げたのである。しかるに一方思わざる障碍が生まれたというのは、右のごとく進歩した科学を悪の方でも利用するようになった事である。
まず戦争を見ても判る通り、兵器は益々進歩すると共に、すべてが大規模になりつつある結果生まれたのが彼の原子爆弾である。これこそ全く夢想だもしなかった恐怖の結晶であるから、この発見を知った誰もは、いよいよ戦争終焉(しゅうえん)の時が来たと喜んだのも束の間、これを悪の方でも利用する危険が生じて来たので、不安はむしろ増大したといってもいい。とはいうものの結局戦争不可能の時代の接近した事も確かであろう。これらを深く考えてみる時結局悪が戦争を作り、悪が戦争を終結させるという奇妙な結果となったのである。こう見てくると、善も悪も全く深遠なる神の経綸に外ならなかった事はよく窺われる。 そうして精神文化の側にある人も、物質文化の側にある人も、心からの悪人は別とし、共に平和幸福なる理想世界を念願しているのは言うまでもないが、ただ問題は果してその実現の可能性がありやという事と、ありとすればその時期である。ところがそれらについての何らの見通しもつかないため、人類の悩みは深くなるばかりである。そこで心ある者は怪疑の雲に閉ざされつつ、突き当たった壁を見詰めているばかりであるし、中には宗教に求める者、哲学でこの謎を解こうとする者などもあるが、大部分は科学の進歩によってのみ達成するものと信じ努力しているが、これも確実な期待は得られそうもないので、行き詰り状態になっている。ところが現実を見れば人類は相変らず病貧争の三大災厄の中に喘ぎ苦しみながら日々を送っている。ところがこれら一切の根本を神示によって知り得た私は、あらゆる文化の誤謬を是正すべく解説するのである。
Construction Order of Paradise and Expulsion of Evil
“Creation of Civilization”, written by Mokichi Okada in 1955
In the first place, there is a fundamental condition to change this world to Paradise. That is to drive out evil that most people possess deep in their hearts. Regarding this, there is something incomprehensible. Needless to say, people with common sense think that evil is unacceptable and avoid being involved in it. Ethics and morals teach us that we shouldn’t do evil, which is also the main purpose of education. Religion encourages good and excludes evil. People in any society condemn those who do evil; parents scold their children for their bad deeds, married couple identify their bad points with each other and a manager reprimands their subordinates for wrong actions. The law also prevents evil deeds with punishments. Despite all those efforts, there are more bad people than good ones in the world. Strictly speaking, nine out of ten people are more or less bad ones. There is only one or no good person in ten. That would be a reality.
Though we say ‘bad people,’ they do various degrees of evil. For example, firstly, they do evil from the bottom of their hearts or deliberately. Secondly, they do it without realising. Thirdly, they do it in ignorance. Fourthly, they do it because they believe it is good. Let me explain those four briefly. The first one is out of the question and doesn’t need to explain. The second one is common in general. The third one is committed by barbarians when it comes to ethnicity. Speaking of individuals, it is done by mental disabilities, insane people or children. Therefore, I don’t think we need to discuss it here. The fourth one is harmful. Since people believe it to be good, they passionately do it fair and square. I will describe this matter later in detail. Now let me tell you about the evil worldview from the perspective of goodness.
When looking at the present world from a broad viewpoint as above, it is not too much to say that it is an evil world. We often hear that the bad has afflicted the good since long ago but we’ve never heard the opposite case. Since many people take sides with the bad, they elude the law and run rampant in the world. On the contrary, the good has few allies. They cannot help but cower and tremble with fear. This is a real society, where the good as the weak are always oppressed and afflicted by the bad as the strong. In order to respond to this irrationality, democracy was established. This incident occurred spontaneously. In contrast, the society in Japan had been based on a feudalistic idea for a long time, where the weak are victims of the strong. Fortunately, it has been democratised with the help of foreign countries. This incident should be said to happen as a natural consequence rather than a spontaneous occurrence. It is a rare case where good beat evil. However, Japan’s democracy is half-hearted compared to other countries. I think I am not the only person who sees the trace of feudalism still remaining in every aspect.
Here, let me describe the relationship between evil and culture. In the first place, how is a culture born? It is basically created by the conflict between good and evil. History from savage times shows us that the strong afflicted the weak and deprived them of their freedom. They acted at wills such as committing looting and murder. As for the weak, they developed various defence methods against them such as weapons, fences, preparations, transportation and so on. They personally and collectively took every possible measure against evil, which obviously very much contributed to the development of culture. As time goes by, human knowledge advanced and something like letters was invented. People started to sign a contract in a group, which would be the beginning of an international treaty. People also made rules and penalties to control evil in society, which would become the text of law like today. However, things didn’t go as they expected. Evil was hard to be removed from humans or rather became clever as human knowledge advanced. In that way, evil has been rampant and good has tried to prevent it since primitive times. This battle has never ended. As you can see, however, human knowledge advanced and culture developed very much through this conflict. It would be avoidable that people have made great sacrifices for it. At all events, the struggle between good and evil has continued. In fact, the great religious persons emerged from time to time to relieve those sufferings of the good somehow. Their teachings are based on the idea of ‘Teikan’ or resigning oneself. They taught the good to restrict one’s worldly desires and to be obedient. They also prophesied the realisation of the ideal world, Paradise on Earth or the world of ‘Miroku,’ so that the good have hope for the future. Meanwhile, they explained the law of cause and effect to the evil as much as possible and admonished them to repent of their sins promptly. Because of that, the great religious persons faced so many hardships and had to endure violent suppressions. They spread their teachings through such painstaking efforts. We cannot read the writings about their achievements without tears. Their efforts had paid off to some extent but they couldn’t change the course of the world. Meanwhile, atheists on the other side have tried to prevent the disasters caused by evil in a materialistic way. They established studies. As a result, science has developed more and more. Culture consequently brought more results than expected. However, unexpected trouble occurred. That is, evil also started to use such advanced science.
You can see that from the war. Weapons have developed more and more and everything goes on a large scale. And finally, an atomic bomb was invented. That is the product of terror we have never expected. Everyone was glad to know this invention as they thought it was the time for the war to end. However, they soon realised there was a risk that the evil also used it. Their anxiety would be rather increased. And yet, it is sure that the time is approaching when wars become no longer possible. When thinking deeply about this, we see the strange result. That is, the evil creates and also ends the war after all. Those facts clearly show that both good and evil were created by profound God’s providence. Apart from the genuine evil, everyone on the side of material culture as well as spiritual culture apparently wishes for the ideal world of peace and happiness. The question here is whether it can be realised or not and when it comes true if possible. However, there is no clue to answer these questions, which bother humans more. Reasonable people cannot clear up the doubt. They do nothing but stare at the wall they face. Some try to find the answer by religion. Some try to solve this mystery through philosophy. On the other hand, most people think that only advanced science could achieve it. They believe in that and keep striving. Even so, it is uncertain whether it will proceed as they expect. So, they have reached a deadlock. When we look at reality, humans still live in three great sufferings of disease, poverty and conflict. However, I was informed by God about what is underlain in all those matters. Here I will explain this to correct all kinds of cultural mistakes.
If evil brings misfortunes to humans as described above, why did God create it? This is an extremely difficult question that cannot be answered with human knowledge. We must give it up. I think any kinds of studies, as well as religions, have never got onto this subject for this reason. However, true civilization cannot be realised unless it becomes clear. Therefore, I disclose the fundamental truth. That is, evil is necessary to exist in the world until now. It was the mystery of the world until today. For humans, the two most threatening evils would be war and disease as a matter of life and death. Let me describe war first. Needless to say, war is disastrous. It takes many people’s lives. Humans have made efforts with all their wisdom to escape from this calamity, which accelerates unimaginable cultural development. Look, both conquered and defeated countries have remarkably developed after the war without exception. If it were not for war, culture would be still primitive or would progress just a little. War and peace alternate like the strands of a rope. In that way, culture has gradually progressed. Interestingly, this situation also applies to social circumstances and human destinies. When looking at the battle between good and evil from that point of view, you can see that it happens at the stage of cultural evolution.
Considering this point, you will see that evil has taken an important role. Even so, it won’t exist forever. This is what God has intended. He is the ruler of the universe or an absolute being when philosophically speaking. His intention is also called the will of the universe. This is what Christ prophesied as Doomsday. After that, the era that humans have long hoped for will come. That is the age of the heavenly world or the world of truth, virtue and beauty without disease, poverty and conflict. It is also called the world of ‘Miroku’ and so on. They have different names but the same meaning. In belief, they are the world where good is superior to evil. If we were to create such a wonderful world, appropriate preparation would be required. It means sufficient conditions must be met spiritually and materially. As a matter of fact, God gave priority to material conditions. It is because it doesn’t take long to raise a spiritual level, which will be raised at once, but a material level is not so easy. It takes a long time. Therefore, God made humans ignore His existence so that they naturally focus on the material aspect. This is the best way for material improvement. In that way, atheism came about. For this reason, the idea of atheism was necessary to create evil. In that way, evil was born, gradually gained its power, afflicted good, caused strife, and put humans in the depths of anguish. Needless to say, humans struggled to climb up from there. They inspired themselves and tried to get out of their difficulties, which accelerated the development of culture. That was tragic but necessary.
I hope you almost understand the primary meaning of good and evil from the above. The time has finally come to expel evil. Since it is the time to turn from evil to good, the situation is serious for evil. This is not my speculation, expectation or inference but the manifestation of God’s program under His universal plan. Whether you believe it or not, it is the decisive fate of humanity. When evil comes to end and a culture controlled by evil returns to good, we enter the stage of establishing Paradise on Earth.
Translated by N.H
P.S. You can also read this teaching and others in English on Johrei.