「結ノ和(むすひのわ)」 ホームページへようこそ

「結ノ和(むすひのわ)」は、メシヤ教代表 楳木和麿先生が推進された「メシヤ様が唱道する『宗教改革』『医学革命』の実現」と「『世界メシヤ教』復興」のご遺志を受け継ぎ、国や宗教に囚われることなく、世界中の皆様が「メシヤ様という御神格を認識しメシヤ様に直に太く繋がる」為の結びの働きと、「本来の人間生活を取り戻す」為のお手伝いの役割を担って参ります。






Thank you very much for visiting our website.

We take over the will of Mr. Wasumaro Umeki, Representative of Meshiya-kyo.

He had exerted himself to reconstruct ‘Sekai Meshiya-kyo’ and attempted to realize ‘the religious reform’ and ‘the revolution of medical science’ which Meshiya-sama advocated.

We help you, without regard to religion or nationality, to acknowledge the divinity of Meshiya-sama and make direct and strong connection between you and Him, which guide you to lead a life towards the right path.

We named our activity ‘Musuhinowa’ with such thoughts as below:

‘Musuhi(結)’ means to connect people all over the world to Meshiya-sama, with a spirit of mutual respect.

‘no(ノ)’ is the symbol itself as a mission given from Meshiya-sama, or The Saviour.

‘wa(和)’ means to keep in harmony.

Click here to visit an English website ‘Johrei’.