種痘は一七九八年、英国の医学者エドワード・ジェンナー氏によって発見された事は、世界的に有名であるが、実はジェンナー氏独自の発見ではなく、之はずっと以前から、希臘(ギリシャ)の娘達が痘瘡患者の濃疹中に針を入れ、その膿汁を皮膚にさすと軽い痘瘡になり重い痘瘡より免れる事を見て、それが牛痘で免疫が出来る事を発見したのが、ジェンナー氏で、勿論其功績も偉大なものであると共に、最初の実験に当って大胆にも、自分の愛児に試みた其強い意志と、人類の為なら如何なる犠牲を払っても悔いないと言う、学者的良心の強さであって、幸いにもそれが成功したので遂に一躍救世主の如く今日に至っても世界人類から仰がれているのは誰も知る通りである。 何しろそれ迄天然痘に罹るや生命の危険もそうだが、治ったとしても顔一面に酷い痕跡が残るので恐れられていたものが簡単に免れる事が出来るとしたら、如何に当時の人達は喜んだであろう。処が私は此大発見と思われていたそれが、実は、将来凡ゆる病原となる事を発見したのである。従って種痘は果してプラスかマイナスかと言うと、遺憾乍らマイナスと言えるのである。其理由を茲に詳しく説いてみるが、此説は十数年前から私は唱導していた事であって、此大発見こそジェンナー氏の発見に比べて勝るとも劣らないと私は確信するのである。それに就て先ず天然痘の真因であるが、之は言う迄もなく薬毒であって薬毒が何代も続く結果、一種の特殊毒素となり、それが遺伝されるのである。従而、人類が薬剤を用いない時代は全然なかったに違いない。
中京教会 M.A(23才)
二月の十五日頃でした。久し振りで姉の家へ遊びに行きますと、万里子(一年五カ月)が、三日前より水疱瘡だと言って姉が困っています。見ると顔半分が腫れて軽い発疹が出来ています。熱がありぐずっていますので早速浄霊しました。翌日も会社の帰りがけに寄りますと昨日にも増して発疹は酷く、顔一面さらに頭と 拡がっています。体手足にもぶつぶつと発疹が出来、全体が腫れてしまい歩けなくなっています。浄霊しながら「然毒が出て来ているのだから心配せぬ様に」と 申しますと、姉は「こんなに酷いから明日は医者を替えて見なければいけない」と言います。仕方なしに「それじゃ注射だけは止める様に」とくれぐれも言って 帰り、直ぐ高橋先生にこの事を言いましたところ「余り酷いから今日一度、医者に診て貰った都合にする」と言いましたので、翌日渡辺先生の御浄霊を受け、帰りに寄りますと、家へ入らぬ前からプーンと消毒臭いではありませんか。悪い予感に胸騒ぎがしつつ家へ入りますと、おじいさん一人がうろうろしながら「万里子は外の医者へ連れて行ったら、天然痘の疑いで直に城東病院へ隔離されてしまった。そばにいた姉も兄も一緒に連れられて行って仕舞い、どうしたら良いやら」と半分泣いています。
そして万里子の入院と同時に近所七町内、約二千人の人が臨時に種痘をし、家はクレゾールの消毒をしたと聞き驚いてしまいました。「それじゃ直ぐに病院へ行き一度でも多く浄霊がしたい」と神様を念じつつ行きました。病院へ行きましたら、ちょうど子供の泣き声がしたので、神様の御導きと入って行きますと、姉も兄も喜んでくれました。万里子を見る とどうでしょう。顔は腫れ上り、発疹の為唇は閉じる事も出来ず、大人の口よりも大きく紫色に変り、目はかすかに見える程しか開いていず、耳は形が変ってしまう程発疹が出来、とてもこの世の人とは思われません。今まで絵で見る恐ろしい化物よりもまだまだ凄く、生まれてこの方こんなに恐ろしい顔は見るが初めて です。紫色になった肌、その上に真珠程の大きさに発疹した膿の玉が、ビッシリと体全体残す所なく出来ています。顔は一番酷く、膿の玉が重なり合ったかの様になり、鼻の穴、眼の廻りは崩れて形が変り、見た瞬間に頭から水でもかぶせられた様な気持です。万里子は種疱瘡の時に、ちょうど百日咳で種痘がしてなく、 普通の人よりもうんと酷いとの事です。
二、三日前とはうって変った万里子の姿にただ神様の御守護を念じ浄霊にかかりました。「精密検査の結果、水疱瘡か天然痘かを決めるので、お医者の注目になっているから県と市との衛 生課の人が三十分置に見に来ているし、厚生省からも又駐留軍からも調べに来ている」と姉が言います。神様に御縋りし一心に浄霊している私は、姉の言う事も 耳に入らず部屋の中で姉、万里子と浄霊しました。その間一時間程の間、姉に神様の御救を言いつつも心の中では「どうか水疱瘡である様に」と祈りました。お医者が二回見廻りに来ましたが、その間一生懸命御浄霊したのです。二、三日こうして浄霊しました。二十三日の夜、日頃御指導を頂く高橋先生の御宅へ行きました。暫くして先生が「昭ちゃん驚いてはいけないよ、万里ちゃんは本当に天然痘になってしまったが……」とおっしゃられつつ新聞を見せて下さいます。する とどうでしょう。十糎四方程の大きさに「中京に真症天然痘発生」と出ているではありませんか。又その日の三時と七時のラジオのニュースで「真症天然痘が出た」と言ったと聞かされ、天然痘、アアあの子がアバタになるのかと思うと、体中の血が引いて行く様でした。思わず知らず神様に向って善言讃詞を奏げました。「先生一体どうなる事でしょう」と申しますと、先生は『天国の福音』を開かれ、暫く見ておられましたが、「天然痘は一週間で治るとかいてありますから、御浄霊の効果は必ずありますから安心する様に」と言われましたが、しかしあの全身に拡がった酷い発疹、デカデカとかかれた新聞に落着かず、そわそわしていました。「御神書には本当の事しか書かれていないから、少しも案ずる事はない」とくれぐれも仰言って頂き、やっと気が落着きました。そしてひたすら神様の御加護を祈ったのです。それから一週間程過ぎ、全身の発疹はカセて、豆でも落す様にコロコロと除れ、跡も付かず、綺麗になって行きます。
お医者の方では「どうも変だ、天然痘に罹りながら、こんなに綺麗になるのは日本中で初めてだ。種痘がやってない子供は百人が百人死んでしまうのに助かり、 こんなに早く元気になった。こんな例は一つも無い」と、首を傾げて口を揃えた様に言うのだそうです。又普通天然痘に罹ると掻くて掻くて我慢が出来ず大人でも引掻いて発疹をつぶして仕舞い、熱が出てその後に死んで行くのが、万里子は掻きもせず、熱も初めに一度出たきりで助かり腫れ上った体は五日程の内にすっ かり腫れが引き、普通の子とちっとも変らなくなりました。不思議な事の連続で、後れ馳せに遠くの県の衛生課から見に来た人は、何が何だか分らず、ポカンと した顔で出て行き、厚生省も愛知県の衛生課も「変だ、変だ」と言うだけでした。又発疹の酷い時に足から取った膿を兎三匹に注射したところ、皆死んでしまいましたそうです。
今まで痩せて骨皮になっていた万里子も一カ月後 には丸々と太り、色は白くなり、目の色は美しく澄んで参りました。靴を履いて飛び廻る姿はどこを探しても、天然痘の跡らしいものは一つもありませんでした。命は助かってもアバタだろうと思っていた親類、近所の人達もただただ神様の偉大なる御力に仰天してしまいました。
数えられない程戴いた奇蹟、御守護に何と御礼申し上げたら良いものでしょう。この尊い奇蹟を一日も早く、唯物科学者に知って頂きたいと思います。医学上恐ろしいとされている伝染病が、この様に簡単に治り、しかも跡形もないというのは、何と有難い事ではございませんか。私が病のドン底より救って頂き、又こう して柿の子供までも温い神様の御慈愛の御手に癒して頂きました。この有難い御恩の万分の一なりとも御報告さして頂きたいと諸先生の御指導の下に地上天国建設の為、苦しんでいる人を一人でも多く御導き申し上げたいと張切っています。
そうして種痘によって然毒の排泄を停止出来たとしてもその結果は大体二種に別けられる。その一つは前述のごとく結核その他の病気となるが他の一つは疥癬病である。これは種痘によって押えられたためその毒素が結構な浄化によって、皮膚から排泄されようとするので何よりも疥癬の病状をみればよく分るが、ちょうど慢性天然痘と同様で重病になると、天然痘特有の発疹病状で紫黒色の豆が沢山出来激しい痒みと痛みがある。この疥癬の経過は非常に長いもので普通一年から重いのは数年に及ぶものさえあ る。私なども全治までに五六年掛ったのである。
“Creation of Civilization” written by Mokichi Okada in 1952
As known around the world, vaccination was found by Mr Edward Jenner in 1798, who was an English physician. It is not originally found by him. Since a long time ago in Greek, a pustule was collected from a smallpox patient by pricking with a needle and it was inserted under the skin of girls. As a result, they suffered from light but never severe smallpox. He learnt that and found that smallpox was immunized with cowpox instead. It was a great achievement. Besides, he was bold enough to try the first experiment on his beloved child. It shows the scholar’s strong conscience that he accomplished it at all costs. He, fortunately, had done it and suddenly was captured the spotlight. As everyone knows, he has been admired like a saviour in the world until today.
Before vaccination was found, people feared suffering from smallpox. It is because not only one’s life was threatened but also a terrible trace remained on the face even if one was cured. If such feared disease had been easily avoided, how people at that time would have been grad. However, I found that such a great discovery contrarily caused every possible disease in the future. Therefore, if I were asked whether vaccination affects us positively or negatively, I would regret to say it affects us negatively. To explain this reason in detail, here I present the theory which I have instructed since over a decade ago. I am convinced that it is as great as Mr Jenner’s discovery. From the beginning, I explain the true cause of smallpox. Needless to say, it is toxic medicine, which is taken over from generation to generation and then becomes a special toxin and inherited. Smallpox must have not existed when people didn’t use the medicine.
Because this inherited toxic medicine is thick, medical science misunderstands it for genetic syphilis. When purification occurs, this congenitally possessing inherited toxic medicine comes out of the skin in the form of a rash. This condition is called smallpox. Therefore, vaccination is, so to speak, the way of stopping the purification. If vaccination only stopped it, it would be not too bad. By stopping it, however, the toxin of smallpox or the inherited toxin is remained in the body and causes various diseases. Suffering was supposed to be caused only once by smallpox for a short period. Instead, avoiding smallpox causes people to suffer variously for a long time, after all. For this reason, I have to make them realise this blind spot. Of all suffering that smallpox causes, the worst one is tuberculosis. Knowing this, everyone would be surprised. Besides, some decades ago, a French medical scientist advocated the fact that tuberculosis patients increased after Vaccination Act was enforced. I read his article in a book and thought he was far-sighted. Having said that, I think that such terrible pockmarks would trouble a patient forever, whereas its pain shortly finishes. Therefore, vaccination could not be ruled out and his statement would be ignored. Not only that buy people also would never imagine the inherited toxins become the cause of tuberculosis which I discovered and other diseases.
Accordingly, it is ideal that smallpox is sure to be cured for a short period without any marks remained, which solves everything. However, everyone wonders if there is such a fine method. Then I declare that our Johrei can do so. Having heard that, you could hardly believe it. Therefore, I insert the story of personal experience as below.
My niece was completely cured of smallpox.
Reported by a twenty-three-year-old female practitioner of Johrei in October 1951.
I would be glad to report on my experiences that my niece was cured of smallpox in a short period as well as that I was saved from sufferings of pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy and peritonitis by Johrei, which I just started to practice four months ago. I am deeply thankful for God who saved my niece from such a dreadful disease of smallpox. She was completely cured without any traces in only one weak.
It was the 15th of February. I visited my sister after a long time and found her to be in trouble. She has a baby who was one year and five months old. She had chickenpox three days before. When I looked at my niece, half of her face was swollen and a light rash came out. She was having a fever and fussing. I promptly performed Johrei to her. On the following day, I visited her on the way back home from work. Her rash was getting worse than before. It was spreading to the head from whole the face. Her body, arms and legs also had the rash and became swollen so that she couldn’t walk. I said to my sister, “Don’t worry. The inherited toxins in her body are just coming out.” She replied, “She is in such a terrible condition. I will take her to see another doctor tomorrow.” I had no choice but to say earnestly, “If you do so, ask him not to get an injection.” Then I left her house and immediately reported it to my tutor of Johrei. He said, “Her condition seems to be so terrible that I will take care of this after getting the doctor’s opinion once again.” On the next day, I was received Johrei by another tutor and then visited my sister’s house. Before entering her house, I smelled antiseptic. Having a bad feeling, I entered the house. My niece’s grandfather was there. He was panicked and say, “When my son and his wife took my granddaughter to the hospital, she was immediately quarantined on suspected smallpox. They were also taken with her. I don’t know what to do.” He was half crying.
He continued to tell me that about two thousand neighbours in seven towns nearby were especially vaccinated and all of their houses were disinfected with cresol soon after my niece was quarantined. I was so surprised. Then I decided to go to the hospital as soon as possible and perform Johrei to her as much as possible. On the way to the hospital, I was praying to God. Soon after arriving at the hospital, I just heard a baby crying. I thought it must have been my niece. God helped me. I found her with my sister and brother in law. They were glad to see me. When I looked at my niece, how terrible she was. Her face became swollen like a balloon. Her mouth got purple, bigger than ours. Because of rash. she could not shut her mouth. She could only open her eyes slightly. So many rashes changed the shape of her ears. I could hardly think she belonged to this world. She became far more terrible than the scary creature I had ever seen in pictures. I’ve never seen such a horrible face in my whole life. Her whole body was purple and covered with pearl-sized pus without gaps. Her face was the worst. Pus balls are overlapped there and collapsed around her nostrils and her eyes, which caused their shapes to be changed. I froze at the sight of her. She wasn’t vaccinated because she suffered from whooping cough at the time of vaccination. Therefore, her symptom was much more severe than usual.
Her appearance was completely changed in a few days. I just prayed for Got to protect her and performed Johrei. “The detailed examination will show whether she suffers from chickenpox or smallpox. Doctors pay attention to her symptom, so people come to see her from the prefectural and municipal environmental health section every thirty minutes. Even Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and U.S. troops send the stuff to examine her,” my sister said to me but I couldn’t hear her. I concentrated on performing Johrei while completely relying on God. I kept performing Johrei to my sister and my niece in turn for about one hour. I persuaded her that God would save her baby. At the same time, I prayed in my heart that she merely suffered from chickenpox. I kept performing Johrei, even though the doctor visited my niece’s room twice while I was doing it. I spent a few days performing Johrei like this. On the night of the 23rd, I visited the tutor’s house. He regularly gives me advice. While showing me the newspaper, he said, “Please don’t be surprised. Your niece was diagnosed with true smallpox.” When I looked at the newspaper, I found the 10-centimetre square article and it said that true smallpox had developed in the Chukyo region. He also told me that the radio news reported the same thing at three and seven on that day. When I imagined that my niece would become terribly pockmarked, I was turning white. I chanted “Zengen-Sanji” and prayed for God without thinking. I asked my tutor what happened to her. He opened the book titled “Gospel of Heaven” and read it for a while. Then he replied, “This book says smallpox is cured in a weak. Johrei does work so please do not worry.” However, I was nervous when I remembered terrible pockmarks spread over her whole body and the article written up big in the newspaper. “Since Meshiya-sama’s writings never lie, you don’t have to worry at all,” he earnestly told me. I finally felt at ease and prayed for Got to protect my niece. One week later, the rashes on her whole body became scabs and took out like falling of beans. They were going to disappear without any traces.
As for doctors, they were puzzled and all saying the same thing, “It is strange. No traces remained even though she suffered from smallpox. Furthermore, she was saved and recovered so quickly, even though one can’t have survived without vaccination. There are no other cases like this.” When a child suffers from smallpox, one feels so itchy that even adults cannot stand but scratch rashes. One gets a fever and then dies. On the contrary, my niece didn’t scratch them. She had a fever only once from the beginning. Her swollen body completely went down within about five days. Then she became a normal baby. The mysterious things continuously happened. As for belated those who came from the environmental health section in the distant prefectures, they were completely lost. They looked blank and went out. The people from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the environmental health section in the local prefecture did say nothing but, “It is bizarre.” When her rash was at its worst, the pus was taken out of her foot and injected into three rabbits. They all died.
My niece was once skin and bones but became round and chubby one month later. Her skin becomes white and her eyes become clear and shining. Now she is wearing shoes and jumping around outside. There is no trace of smallpox to be seen on her. Relatives and neighbours thought my niece would become terribly pockmarked even though she recovered. They were also just amazed at the great power of God.
I have got countless miracles and protection given by God. They are so great that I cannot thank Him enough. I would like material scientists to know these miracles as soon as possible. Smallpox, which is regarded as a terrible infectious disease in medical science, was easily cured in this way. Furthermore, there is no trace remained. How grateful, isn’t it? In this way, I was saved from severer suffering and my niece was also cured by God’s grace. I wanted to report how much God blessed us. To construct Paradise on Earth, I am now working hard to guide the sufferings as much as possible under the guidance of tutors. I do thank you, Meshiya-sama.
When you read this report, there is no doubt at all. Apart from Japan, however, people abroad would not receive Johrei for geographical reasons even if they knew this method. Therefore, vaccination cannot afford to be abolished after such a long time. It can’t be helped but we should keep it going until the time comes. Besides, it would take a few generations to eradicate smallpox even if we stopped using the medicine, which is the true cause of smallpox. Therefore, it is impossible to stop using medicine right now.
Even if vaccination stopped inherit toxins from coming out, it would result in causing diseases. They are roughly divided into two types. As I previously explained, tuberculosis and other diseases belong to one type. Scabies disease belongs to the other. Since vaccination stops toxins from coming out, the fine action called purification occurs to discharge them. When you observe the symptom of scabies disease, it looks like chronic smallpox. When a person becomes severely ill, many purple-black beans like rashes forms. They are itchy and hurt very much. To cure this scabies disease, it takes usually one or even a few years if the symptom is severe. As for me, it took five or six years to cure it completely.
Translated by N.H.
You can read the other teachings in English on Johrei.