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Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism
Creation of Civilization, written by Mokichi Okada in 1952
I have mentioned before that original Buddhism is called Theravada Buddhism. Even in Theravada Buddhism, there are Mahayana and Theravada schools. To put it simply, you just think that the believers of Theravada Buddhism train themselves, whereas those of Mahayana Buddhism rely on others. In Japan, the Zen and Nichiren sect are included in Theravada Buddhism and all the other sects are in Mahayana Buddhism. First, I explain what Theravada Buddhism is. Since the believers of Theravada Buddhism train themselves, they persistently put hard penance first. This idea originally comes from Brahminism. In particular, it deeply reflects upon Zen Buddhism.
As I previously explained in detail, according to the spirit of Buddhism that Sakyamuni advocated, it is wrong to perform penance as the believers of Brahminism do. Instead of such practice, he told that everyone would attain enlightenment by chanting Sutras. Buddhism should be, so to speak, the religion for Sutra. It is a well-known fact that Buddhism spread all over India for a certain period. However, there was a group that didn’t follow that movement but was still devoted to Brahminism. They had very strong beliefs and, of course, went on performing puritanical penance. Their object of faith was Bodhidharma. The essence of his thought was a study as well as penance. The believers trained hard in both methods to reach enlightenment.
Decades after the death of Sakyamuni, an outstanding person appeared out of Brahman ascetics. He was a famous Vimalakirti and the founder of Zen Buddhism. Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism is its mainstream. When he achieved his goal, he left India and moved to an inland area of China. He travelled from place to place for the propagation. He finally climbed up the famous Mt. Godai, opened a training hall and became the founder of Taoism. For this reason, Zen Buddhism actually does not come from Buddhism. It became Buddhism after it arrived in Japan. If it had not done so, it would have been difficult to propagate its teachings. In this sense, it is clear that the temples, the way of training and the monk’s daily life of Zen Buddhism are different from those of other Buddhist sects. Needless to say, its own unique practice of Zen meditation follows the training of the founder Bodhidharma. In addition, Zen monks also regard Zen dialogue as their principal training. That is also unique to Zen Buddhism and must be derived from the study, which is convinced by what Chinese and Japanese Zen monks did since ancient times. Among them, highly trained monks composed something like poems in Chinese. They include their state of enlightenment and could be said to be Zen poems. They frequently composed and wrote such poems. Their writings and big calligraphies have remained. They are prised by dilettanti and sold at a high price. When appreciating them calmly, I am so impressed with their unworldly atmosphere. They really express their own dispositions and I cannot help but show respect for them. Among them, the famous Zen master Yuan-wu, who wrote “Blue Cliff Record,” is regarded to be the best in China.
In Japan, Daito-Kokushi is the founder of Zen Buddhism who opened the Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto. He was also an outstanding monk even during his lifetime. His writings and the shape of his calligraphies would be the best in Japan. The next is Mugaku Zen master who was the founder of Enkakuji Temple in Kamakura. I especially love his writings. From these points of view, high trained Zen masters would be called religious scholars rather than Zen monks. In Japan, there are three Zen sects today; Soto, Rinzai and Obaku. Obaku sect has a small number of believers in Japan. It is much popular in China than in Japan. Here I conclude this subject and describe the Nichiren sect next.
As I mentioned, the Nichiren sect belongs to Theravada Buddhism. The believers train themselves by performing penance. Unlike other Buddhist sects, they wouldn’t highly regard Sakyamuni and Amitabha as important. It is a well-known fact that the believers single-mindedly pray for the founder Nichiren as the main object and try to gain their own strength by performing penance. From these points of view, it would be said that this sect pass through Buddhism and become descended from Brahminism. Nichiren said, “I am an ascetic for Lotus Sutras.” The word “ascetic” is derived from Brahminism. On the other hand, he highly regarded Sutras made by Sakyamuni as important. It is clear from the fact that his teachings were based on “Twenty-eight Chapters of Lotus Sutra.” In other words, it would be said that he spiritually relied on Brahminism and learnt from Sakyamuni as his teaching style. This sect most encourages spirit possession and puts it first as its training. This fact also shows it belongs to Brahminism rather than Buddhism.
Translated by N.H.
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