Creation of Civilization, written by Mokichi Okada in 1952
Miroku-san’e is a word which is used in Buddhism since a long time ago but its true meaning has been concealed in secret until now. No one has ever found it. Then I reveal it now. First of all, Miroku-san’e literally means that three of Miroku meat together at one time. They are, of course, Sakyamuni, Amitabha and Kannon. Sakyamuni is Hoshin-no-Miroku, or Miroku of earth. Amitabha is Hosshin-no-Miroku, or Miroku of the moon. Kannon is Oshin-no-Miroku, or Miroku of the sun.
As I often say, those saints should be that of the sun, the moon and earth, or that of fire, water and soil in order. They also represent five, six and seven and these three numbers add up to eighteen. Regarding the number of eighteen, the teaching of Oomoto says, “The three worlds of the heaven, the middle and the earth were all six until now. Then “Ischirin-no-mitama”, or one per cent of the divine soul came down to the earth from heaven. Therefore, the world of the heaven became five and that of the earth became seven.” It shows the most profound God’s providence. This “Ischirin-no-mitama” is a small mark, and also called “Mani-no-tama” or Cintamani stone. It gives birth to the world of five, six and seven, or the world of Miroku. Three, six and nine are also said to be Miroku. I will explain it in detail in Heaven Part so that I omit it now. In any case, eighteen is the most important number. It is written as “十八” in Japanese and let me explain these characters. “十” represents the form of tying the vertical bar to the horizontal bar. It represents the symbol of a god and the perfect shape. “八” represents the open shape and means countless. This number is also often used in Buddhism since a long time ago. For example, the size of the main temple hall of Senso-ji in Asakusa and Zenko-ji in Nagano is eighteen “ken” square. The “ken” is one of the Japanese units of measurement. The temple festival for Kannon is held on the eighteenth of every month. Twice of eighteen is thirty-six, and these three and six are said to be Miroku in Japanese. Joya-no-kane or bells ringing out the old year is struck one hundred and eight times. Buddhism rosary has a hundred and eight beads. People are said to have a hundred and eight attachments. In these cases, ten times ten is a hundred so that this number also includes the meaning of Miroku.
Here I explain the meaning of “Izunome.” If it is represented by numbers, it does five and three. In other words, five represents “Izu” or fire which is pronounced as “ka” in Japanese, whereas three represents “mi” or water. When you put them together, they represent “Kami” or a god. Fire is pronounced as “izu” in Japanese and water is as “mizu.” When you put them together, they are pronounced as “Izunome.” Then the light is produced by the mixture of fire and water. Therefore, the Japanese character of light, or “光” follows this. In other words, when you put a horizontal bar in the middle of “火” which means fire in Japanese, it becomes “光.” As the horizontal bar represents water, the Japanese character of light is well-formed. When looking at them, you would see characters were made by God. However, light or two powers of fire and water should be added to another power or earth. The earth represents the human body. Therefore, the power of the Trinity comes out when the light passes through the body. When you deeply think about this meaning, you would comprehend the principle of Johrei.
Now I go back to the previous subject. I mentioned that Sakyamuni and Amitabha were Indian as I just wanted to compare them with Kannon, but they were basically also Japanese deities. It means that only the spirits came over to India from Japan. In other words, the spirit of Wakahimegimi-no-mikoto was put into Sakyamuni and that of Kamu-Susanoo-no-mikoto into Amitabha. It means that people of true Indian race were consequently those who were centred on Mahesvara. You should know it.
Then I tell you an interesting story. Kannon was born from Buddhism so that Buddhism is his true parent. Sakyamuni is the founder of that Buddhism. He is consequently the grandparent of Kannon. Then Izunome-no-kami produced Sakyamuni. It means he is the ancestor of Kannon. That Izunome-no-kami became Kanzeon after all. From this point of view, you would understand that Buddha is the incarnation of the deity. As I mentioned, Sakyamuni represents earth and takes the role of giving birth. On the other hand, Amitabha represents the moon and a woman. Therefore, it may say he is the mother of Kannon. In other words, the earth and the moon produce the sun. This is the real state of the universe. Here I explain two legendary stories. In China, Seiobo was the holy mother and the incarnation of the moon goddess. There was a peach tree in her garden and it bore fruit once in the three thousandth year. She presented this fruit as a precious treasure to the great god of heaven. In India, Tenrin Bodhisattva was born in the three thousandth year. Soon after he appeared, he immediately saved all people and the world became a heavenly paradise. You would say that these stories predict what is happening now. This Tenrin Bodhisattva would be called Chakravartin, which is another name of Kannon. Tenri’o-no-mikoto as the Oyasama (Parent) in Tenrikyo is supposed to be something related to this Bodhisattva, too. Then Amitabha is also called Candraprabha, or Moonlight Bodhisattva, whereas Kannon is called Vairocana, or Dainichi Buddha. Each of them represents the moon and the sun as “Dainichi” means the great sun in Japanese. It means they are a married couple, which is shown by Buddhist temples all around Japan. That is, there is the statue of Buddha wherever the statue of Kannon is enshrined in Japanese temples. It is because that Buddha represents Amitabha. In this case, the statue of Kannon is small and enshrined in the hall, whereas that of Buddha is big and situated outside. It would be because Kannon is a domestic Buddha, whereas Amitabha comes from abroad. The correct shape of Kannon should be made of gold and one “sun” eight “bu” in height, which is equivalent to about five point five centimetres. On the other hand, Amitabha should be a gilt bronze statue or a wooden statue covered with gold leaf. The bigger the statue of Amitabha is, the better it would be. When you look at those facts, you would understand everything.
Translated by N.H.
You can read the other teachings in English on Johrei.