Paradise Part
Creation of Civilization, written by Mokichi Okada in 1952
I have already written Science and Religion Part one by one. From now I write the last “Paradise Part.” The descriptions of this part have never been explained by anybody in a true sense, which forms the basis of constructing the civilised world. Please read them for that purpose. Those who read them for the first time might regard them as an idealism which is too far from reality. However, it is nothing of that kind. As you read them, you would see that they are capable of being realised.
First of all, to construct Paradise on Earth as God’s purpose, nothing is more important than representing the real nature itself. This is the basic condition. As I always say, everything in the universe consists of the sun, the moon and earth. Fire is the true nature of the sun, water is that of the moon and soil is that of earth. Everything is created and generated by the trinity power of these elements which is infinitely developing the world. As l often say, however, it was the night in the spiritual world until now. Therefore, the sun was hiding. In other words, there were the moon, earth and the sun in order. This order is, of course, not correct. Because of this incorrect order, everything was out of harmony and disordered in the world until now. As a result, a hell-like society was created as you see today. However, the friction between good and evil was needed as I previously described. It is nothing but a profound God’s intention. During this time, religions took a role of easing this condition a little as I also described. Sakyamuni advocated the world of suffering and resignation. Christ preached Redemption and neighbourly love. Those words describe that condition very well.
Then let me explain what I advocate. That is the world of the night is converted to the world of the day. There are originally the three stages of the sun, the moon and earth in the universe, which is the correct order in the principle of the universe. However, there weren’t so until now and I have already mentioned why not so. Now the time has finally come to change the incorrect order to correct and become the perfect condition. In other words, the world turns itself completely around and an unprecedented great change truly occurs. Therefore, it is clear that the present culture completely changes its form. In its outline, the world follows the real nature itself as I mentioned above. Consequently, every single mechanism is divided into three stages, which are subdivided into six and further subdivided into nine. The numbers of three, six and nine represents Miroku and Paradise on Earth is another name for the world of Miroku. Then what the world of Miroku is like? Now I will explain it in detail step by step.
Translated by N.H.
You can read the other teachings in English on Johrei.